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Once Upon a Feminist

Updated: Aug 6, 2020

In my culture and society, both women and men have specific roles, but a man's role is less constricted. You can try to convince me that these roles are divided in a fair manner down in the comments but in reality, the fact that there is a specific role that a woman, or even a man, are expected to fulfill is inequitable. A woman was not born with better cooking or cleaning skills than a man. A man is not born with better repair or IT skills than a woman. This is shown in our current communities on an international scale: Gordon Ramsay is one of the worlds leading top chefs, and Parisa Tabriz is one of the top computer security experts who works for Google as the Director of Engineering. On the other hand, when it comes to equality between the genders, I get a little shaky because even though I think that

men and women should be provided with the same opportunities, I also believe that men and women are different.

The issue lies within trying to equate with men and women although they are so different. This difference between men and women does not excuse the discrimination, it is, however, supposed to be a key to further understand the two different genders. And its because they are different they should be approached in different ways. Men and women differ in ways more than just physically, they are different from within their very core: from the ways they think to the ways that they behave. This concept also leads me to understand why transgender people feel the need to transition when they say that their outside does not reflect how they feel inside. In order to reach equality, we should find a balance within the differences between females and males.

I am tired of having to explain that feminism is not trying to put men down.

Feminism is not disregarding men in any way, rather it is the focus put mainly on women for once and trying to get women as far as where men currently are in society. Feminism is literally defined to be on the basis of the equality of the sexes. Although it might not be a unique perspective, rather than dividing the feminist movement into waves, I like to think of it as a continuous progression. This is because although I can understand the differences between the different "waves", I can also identify a different aspect of my own distinct beliefs within each "wave". This idea of having a complex and personal relationship with the title of being a feminist is present within the fourth "wave" of feminism, which basically obliterates any possibility for future waves to form.

Being a woman can be beautiful, just like a gilded cage can be beautiful.

Women must embrace the beauty that comes along with being a woman. On the other hand, there are a lot of downsides that come with being a woman. Men might look at being a woman as easy, not having any worries, but that is just because men don't witness the hardships that a woman goes through, and that is usually because they are the ones behind creating those hardships. Marketing agencies, and society generally, should not target women specifically, manipulating them into unconsciously thinking that they have to be more beautiful and that they must do unnecessary things to be seen as beautiful all while sexualizing them. And we must remember that it is usually the men who are on top of all of these agencies and society in general, making the decisions to profit off of insecurities by creating those insecurities in the first place. Of course, I am not blaming all men, because not all men are anti-feminist sexists, and because

there are some women who contribute to sexism as well.

Personally, this is one of the most frustrating things to come across, as a woman. Women degrading other women for their own gain is a pretty fictional benefit conceptually because the tearing down of other women will only contribute to degrading yourself as a woman. We don't really succeed as individuals, we can only reach real success as a community: I will explore this further in a separate post.

It is good to remember that feminism is for everyone

and that it will only contribute to the collective society positively. Sexism endorses personal gain for specific markets while degrading the entire population (because of course women are a large chunk, which also affect the other half of the population very heavily as they consist of mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends). If you have made it this far, you will see that I tried to cover as much as I could of this huge topic within this very limited post because I want to keep them under a specific reading time for my readers to not lose focus, and I hope that I have not lost you throughout.


Ed the bedhead

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Short and perfectly describes our society, couldn’t have said it better👏❤️

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